Awesome refresher! Thanks for getting me “back to basics!"
~ Kathy Owen
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sketching To Paint
Elevate your sketching techniques to enhance your paintings
Learn how sketching will make you a better painter. Training your hand to create shape and form in a sketchbook will prime your skills and make you a pro in the studio.
You will learn:
- The difference between sketching to paint and sketching to draw
- Basic sketching foundations to develop muscle memory
- How to see in shape and break down a reference image
Join instructor Marijanel as she takes you through the process of learning skill of hand and eye. You'll develop sketching techniques for your painting practice as well as for future drawings.
*These classes are available with Bold School Membership.
- Entire library of Classes
- Community & Peer Feedback
- Streaming Videos
- LIves and Events
- Satisfaction guarantee
These introductory classes are pre-recorded in video series. We offer each lesson in a real-time (which means very little time lapse footage).
Instant access to our 'Discussions' which are found underneath each lesson within the course modules. This is great place to ask questions directly related to that lesson.
Private Community interaction with feedback from Bold School team members and even more importantly, peer mentoring.
Bold School art mentors are available during specific hours to offer guidance and critique.
Thank you so much for this class. I watched and sketched along with you and you made this class not scary. Wonderful class. [Marijanel] is a great teacher. Thank you!"
- June Lew
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thank-you for all the information & the practice sheets. Practice and more practice is certainly what I will be doing!"
~ Laurie Miller
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Marijanel Knight
Marijanel is a multi-form artist, creativity mentor, and Bold School instructor residing in British Columbia, Canada with her family. She is passionate about leading artists into the fullness of creative freedom and into a life of leaving legacy. You may also recognize Marijanel as a host of the Bold Artist Podcast. Presently podcasting takes a lead role in Marijanel's current forms of artistic expression, and to help give artists a voice with Bold School has been a dream come true.
WEB: www.marijanel.com
IG: @marijanelart
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