4000+ Artist Community

40+ On-Demand Classes

7 Professional Art Instructors

Live Events with Charla
"I have been given the keys to originality! So much I did not know about color theory is now making sense to me. I am ready to paint paint paint! So Good!"
-Charlotte Champlin

You've Already Got the Passion
now it's time to learn the techniques

When I introduce abstract color, my paintings turn into a hot mess.
I'm embarrassed that my paintings don't stand out from the rest.
When I bring in a bunch of color, I feel like I lose control of the painting.
The work on the canvas isn’t aligned with the vision I have in my head.
I want to paint beautiful faces that look real.
I want to learn more than just skill & technique, I want my art to tell a story.
I want to mix my color and make art that makes you feel something.
I want to paint like Charla.

You know the feeling.
You’re spreading paint around trying to make the perfect tone and suddenly your palette looks like a pile of mud.

You want to know a secret?
There is a science behind the magic.
You don’t need to be born with talent to create beautiful, realistic, bold, colorful art. There are clear-cut methods and techniques that will allow you to improve your skills and transform your art.
And we’re here to show you how.
Welcome to…
The Exclusive Members Club for Artists
who are ready to take themselves seriously, improve their skills, and make art they’re proud of.
Our members say...

An exclusive membership where you and a couple thousand like-minded artists can learn, share, grow and get feedback on your work, all at your own pace?
From beginner to advanced level, you'll get instant access to our Bold Color library, where you'll learn specific techniques to improve your art and try new methods.
We've got 40 classes and counting! Including our most popular:
Bold Color Bootcamp
Rainbow Portrait
The Color Playbook
Composing Bold Portraits
Color and Mood
See Full Class List >

Our member's community is home to 4000+ artists just like you. Here’s where we share our art, our struggles, our successes, and our stories.

We host workshops, paint parties, and lives-with-Charla every month – along with challenges and activities that’ll keep you and your art moving forward.

Share your work and get critical feedback from our professional art mentors. Here’s where you can ask specific questions and get help overcoming roadblocks on your journey.*
*FIne print for fine artists: Mentorship is only available with specific plans and offers.

Brilliantly talented, bold color artists with their own voices teach a variety of classes available in our library.

Not knowing is normal.
That’s why, with the annual membership, we’ll give you 7 days to make up your mind.

Free Workshop
Follow along with this FREE class as Charla Maarschalk takes you through brushwork and color choices to create a stunning painting in one hour, real-time!
Get Instant Access >Hey you, I’m Charla.
You’re probably here because you love to paint. And you love color (I mean, what’s not to love). And possibly someone told you about me and Bold School and you’re ready to get serious about your art.
Welcome to Bold School – the place where artists play, share, learn, grow, and create art.

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