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USD $395

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  • over 16 hours of video lessons
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USD $139/mo

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  • Painting the Wild membership
  • over 16 hours of video lessons
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What students are saying:

"LOVE the course!!! Challenging but it's just what I need to get out of my comfort zone... that I don't feel comfortable in. lol. It really feels personal and thank you for all the feedback!"

- Brittany

"The Bold Color Bootcamp is exactly what I needed. For years I’ve been admiring artists that use big gorgeous color combinations but when I tried it myself things would get muddy or awkward. Charla goes over the theory you need in a way that is easy to understand (turns out there is a method to the madness!), offers you resources and walks you through every stage of her painting process. Going through her course feels like you have a friend giving you a private training in your living room. I have been taking online classes for years and this is one of my favorites."

- Andrew

"I wish this course had been available to me years ago. Charla's color mixing techniques and prep for the pallet prior to starting to paint was truly a game changer for me. I will go back to this course time and time again since it's packed with so much that set a tremendous foundation. Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to the future courses you are working on."

- Judy