Wonderful class Axel. Your flow with staying so loose building up the colours and finding the values with abstraction is really inspiring. Love those rollers and the effect they created. Thanks so much!
- Steven Henderson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, what a great informative class! I learned so much, I have trouble laying the brush strokes down and this was helpful. Your work Amazes me! Thank You so much!!
- Pamela Marston
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A Quick Study Class
By Axel Martinez
Portrait Features Gone Wrong
Ever step back from your canvas and see a strangely distorted face with features all out of place? It looked so good close up and you've already been working for hours. How do you fix this? This class will cover this common problem that all portrait artists experience. No longer work with anxiety of portraits gone wrong, instead be set free after gaining the skills to troubleshoot this common experience in this quick study class.
- How to identify distortions
- Create a plan and how to execute
- Use values and shapes to evaluate
- Make your art cohesive
This quick study class is a step-by-step class with Bold School Mentor, Axel Martinez

Axel's Classes are available in our Class Vault with Bold School Membership.
Get Access"
This was an important class for me to watch.
The number of different ways demonstrated for us is extremely helpful. It was great to see ways to check my own placement of features. I loved your line,
"I am in control of the portrait, the portrait is not controlling me!"
Together they are confidence builders!
- Laurie Miller
Painting Demonstration with Teaching
By Axel Martinez
You don't have to fake it till you make it. Join Bold School and learn how Axel's process works to create a cohesive color palette every time you paint.
Bring a cohesive color palette together on the canvas with Axel Maritnez.
- Planning your painting
- Color Mixing
- Color Choices
- An alternative to the Grid
- Tips to stay in control of your process yet allow creativity to flow
- and more
This intermediate class is a real-time step-by-step painting with artist and Bold School Mentor, Axel Martinez.
Included in BoldMaster+ Membership:
- Entire library of Classes
- Community & Peer Feedback
- Mentor Support
- Streaming Videos
- Color Mixing
- Downloadable PDF Workbook
- Lives, Events & Workshops
- Satisfaction guarantee
These intermediate classes are pre-recorded in video series. We offer each lesson in a real-time (which means very little time lapse footage), step-by-step painting with bold color portraits artist, Axel Martinez.
If you are looking for bold color foundational teaching you can consider taking Bold Color Primer followed by our intensive course called Bold Color Bootcamp in the Masterclass.
Work and Share with Artists Like You
Instant access to our 'Discussions' which are found underneath each lesson within the course modules. This is great place to ask questions directly related to that lesson.
Private Community interaction with feedback from Bold School team members and even more importantly, peer mentoring.
Bold School art mentors are available during specific hours to offer guidance and critique.
Student Gallery

Axel, your diction and narrative are very clear and easy to follow and learn from. This is also true of your demos. Learned a lot from your brushwork. '
We are in control' - my new mantra."
- Evelÿne Friedel
Thank you, Axel! Personally, I am starting to see that I am very motivated at first, when I see the person emerge from the background, but then, as I start refining the facial features and I notice some problems, I get discouraged.
Watching all the Bold School mentors paint, and more specifically you in this class, helps me gather the courage to correct the features, believing indeed that I am in control and that everything will be fine in the end.
Thank you for this very important lesson"
- Caroline Plante

After dedicating a lifetime to the Dental Arts and health care Axel Martinez decided to engage in Pottery and Portrait painting. As a ceremicist he enjoys combining functional vessels with sculptural elements to enhance its beauty and express inspiration. As a portrait Artist he uses the language of color to boldly capture the essence of a human face.
Axel has been a mentor with Bold School since 2020 and is a graduate of our premiere class, Bold Color Bootcamp.
Also Included With Bold School Membership:
Our Full Library of On-Demand Classes to Help Your Art Process
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