Get instant access to Charla’s
3-step formula to creating color harmony on your canvas
✔ You’ll get a tool checklist
With recommendations on the best palettes and paints.
✔ And a breakdown of the one color
that will lead the charge for your painting.
✔ You’ll learn how to use the lead color
to create charisma and harmony across the canvas.
✔ And find the secret to balance
Neutralize your painting with THIS neat trick.
✔ Plus, learn how to keep a color journal
A recipe of your favorite color mixes you can refer to over and over again!
Get instant access to Charla’s
3-step formula to creating color harmony on your canvas
✔ You’ll get a tool checklist
With recommendations on the best palettes and paints.
✔ And a breakdown of the one color
that will lead the charge for your painting.
✔ You’ll learn how to use the lead color
to create charisma and harmony across the canvas.
✔ And find the secret to balance
Neutralize your painting with THIS neat trick.