Artist Spotlight: Marijanel Knight
Oct 06, 2021
Some of you might recognize Marijanel's name from Bold School's new Bold Artist Podcast. If you've been listening, you know that Marijanel is not only a personal friend of Charla's, she is the Bold Artist Podcast's host! We wanted to offer the community a chance to get to know her a bit better, so here she is, meet Marijanel!
Q. What is your name?
A. Marijanel Knight
Q. What kind of art medium and subject matter are you focused on right now? Have you studied other kinds of art?
A. I call myself a multi-form artist because throughout my life I have been mastering several different art mediums. I have studied photography, sculpting, painting, and performing arts. Currently, my main artistic focus is podcasting, writing and recording a memoir, and creativity mentoring. Podcasting with Charla and Bold School and producing the Bold Artist Podcast is a full circle dream and passion for me... and it's also an art!
In the realm of painting, I am currently studying and expanding a body of expressive landscapes in acrylics.
A. Being an artist is a way of life for me, not really something I chose. It's just who I am. Making art is my way of moving through the world, my way to communicate. For me, being an artist is not only about mastering a medium, but it is about learning from the process and mentoring others through the journey, too.
I used to compartmentalize my talents into neat little explainable labels like "I'm a photographer," or "I'm a painter," when none of those can sum me (or you) up. None of the labels or titles define us. It's just simple...I'm Marijanel, I'm an artist.
Q. Tell us about the moment you decided to make art a part of your life. (Whether just for fun or professionally)
A. There isn't a defining moment where I decided to become an artist, but there are certainly pivotal moves I made along the way to set myself up to succeed. As I already mentioned, being a multi-form artist there have been times I've adapted or altered one of my artistic focuses in order to center my career again. My artistic story is one with many twists and turns on the path to discovering myself as an artist and understanding my creative identity. I relate my art journey to being a world traveler. Though I’ve had the chance to visit eight countries in my lifetime, it's been the time in my studio making art that has taken me to places I never dreamed of. Artists are explorers.

Creativity awaits!
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